What a time for celestial events! Two moons are orbiting the Earth, the comet of the century can still be seen throughout the month of October, and now we get to enjoy the last – and biggest – supermoon of the year!
What is a supermoon?
Supermoon is a term that describes the moon when it is closer to Earth than usual. During a supermoon event, the orb may appear as much as 8% larger and 16% brighter than an average-size full moon, according to EarthSky.
Typically, the moon orbits an average distance of about 238,855 miles from its host planet. However, the supermoon we’re about to see tonight will be just 222,095 miles from Earth. This makes it the closest full moon of 2024, and gives us a spectacular view!
The moon will appear full for three days, from Tuesday evening through Friday morning.
What is a hunter’s moon?
Back in the day, this supermoon was called a “hunter’s moon” because it signaled the beginning of hunting season, telling people to start preparing for the upcoming cold. Some associate the hunter’s moon with its orange color as it rises, but this is the case for many full moons.
Astrologers suggest that the time around the Hunter’s Moon is ideal for manifesting your dreams, especially for those who believe in the moon’s energy – so it’s the perfect moment to bring out your vision boards!
Is this the last supermoon of the year?
Sadly, yes. We were quite spoiled this year, with a total solar eclipse back in March, and the comet of the century that just lit up the skies. However, this hunter’s moon is not the last beautiful celestial event that we get to witness!
On October 20, 2024, Jupiter will shine bright like a diamond near the moon low in the eastern sky. Look out around 10 PM for the best view. You can also spot Mars on October 23-24, 2024 – it will appear like a red dot near the moon high overhead, in the early mornings.
Last but not least, we get another full moon this year, just one month from now – on December 15, 2024.