Disney’s Marvel Studios films, MCU series, and Warner Brothers DC Films will not participate in this year’s @Home events.
This year’s Comic-Con will once again be a virtual event where fans from around the world are invited to sit back and watch the latest in some of their favorite fandoms from the comfort of their homes! The @Home event officially takes place from Friday, July 23, until Sunday, July 25. However, there are events as early as Wednesday, 21.
It is no surprise that Warner Bros.’ DC films won’t participate since they have not been part of Comic-Con since 2018. DC is currently working on their second FanDome, a virtual event for all things DC. Last year’s FanDome was a full-fledged success, so there’s no reason to expect any less this year. DC’s television division will take part in the @Home Con. Legends of Tomorrow, which has been on the air since 2016, has its own panel.
Marvel and Disney didn’t have a FanDome in 2020. They instead hosted a virtual Investor Day where they released significant announcements. With Marvel deciding not to participate in Comic-Con @Home, we can gather they will probably host a similar online event as last year’s Investor Day.
Paramount will participate and host a Snake Eyes panel.
Featured image: Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons