The beloved submarine-themed tiki bar is leaving port! Acey Deucey Club’s submarine-themed tiki bar enchanted San Diegans with its sea-themed experience that plunges attendees into Old Hollywood. By redecorating the stu...
The Tiki Submarine finally set sail in San Diego, but not for long! After months of eager anticipation, Acey Deucey Club’s submarine-themed Tiki bar officially opened its doors! The experience bridges live Old Hollywoo...
The Boozy Cauldron Tavern has officially rolled into San Diego! Professor Dolohov Greycurrent and his students will be stopping in the city, bringing with them the tavern’s mysterious secrets—and cocktails galore! Duri...
In 1948, Americans were flourishing in the newfound postwar economy. The Golden Age of Hollywood marked this period with its exciting live music, immersive entertainment and decadent soirées. And in San Diego, the turn...
Hear ye hear ye! The Tiki Submarine is now open in San Diego for a limited time, and we know where it set sail. Set your anchor on the Horton Grand Hotel (311 Island Ave – Entrance off of 3rd Ave), and get ready f...
As a part of their sorcerous tour, the Boozy Cauldron Tavern is finally stopping in San Diego with a magical cocktail experience. Professor Dolohov Greycurrent, professor of the Beverage Arts, is hosting a 4-part cockta...
All aboard the Tiki Submarine! Dive into the depths of Acey-Deucey Club to discover an underwater experience full of live musical performances and nautical-themed cocktails! If you’ve always wanted to explore the underw...